About IoB-S
The history and goals of IoB-S.
In December 2020, a research and development project "Liberation from Biological Limitations via Physical, Cognitive and Perceptual Augmentation" (Moonshot Goal 1, Japan Science and Technology Agency), of which Ryota Kanai (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International) serves as the Project Manager, was established. (Moonshot Goal 1 is a large-scale project designed to realize a society where human beings are freed from body, brain, space, and time limitations by 2050.)
In October 2021, the research unit "Internet of Brains"-Society (IoB-S) which aims to explore the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) on neuroscience and its social use was established by Keigo Komamura (Professor of Law, Keio University) upon his appointment as the Project Facilitator of the research and development project. IoB-S was also approved as the project of Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) in May 2022.
2021年10月、上記研究開発プロジェクトの課題推進者に駒村圭吾(慶應義塾大学法学部教授)が就任したことに伴い、脳神経科学技術の社会実装を見込んだ法的・倫理的・社会的課題探索(ELSI)を行う研究ユニット「IoB-S(“Internet of Brains"-Society)」が立ち上がりました。そして翌2022年5月、IoB-Sは、慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティテュート(KGRI)のプロジェクトとしても承認されました。
Over the years, brain science technology has made remarkable progress. By manipulating CA (Cybernetic Avatar) in both real and virtual worlds with BMI (Brain-Machine Interface), our physical capabilities have been dramatically expanded, and the liberation from time and space is gradually being implemented in society.
脳科学技術の進展には著しいものがあります。脳情報を計算論的処理をして一定の物理力に変換するBMI(Brain-Machine Interface)を中核技術として、リアルとヴァーチャルの両世界でCA(Cybernetic Avatar)を操作することによって、わたしたちの身体能力が飛躍的に拡張し、時間や空間からの解放も徐々に社会実装されつつあります。
This project studies the impact and meaning that these developments have on humans and society. We aim to achieve this through exploring Humanities and Social Sciences along with dialogue between scientists and engineers. Taking into account the world of IoB (Internet of Brains) following the world of IoT (Internet of Things), we will launch and provide an IoB-S ("Internet of Brains"-Society) platform where a wide range of researchers (both inside and outside of Keio University, as well as researchers from abroad) can communicate.
こうした脳科学技術の発展が人間や社会にもたらす影響や意味について、人文社会科学と科学者・技術者との対話によって探究していくのがこのプロジェクトです。IoT(Internet of Things)の次にやってくるIoB(Internet of Brains)の世界を見据え、IoB-S(“Internet of Brains”-Society)を立ち上げ、広く塾内外、国内外の有志が交流するプラットフォームを提供します。
Our Team

Keigo Komamura / 駒村 圭吾
Director / 研究代表者
Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio University
Expertise : Constitutional Law, Media Law
研究分野 : 憲法、言論法

Yoshinori Ohshima / 大島 義則
Researcher / 研究参加者
Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law, Keio University / Attorney-at-Law
慶應義塾大学法学研究科特任准教授 / 弁護士

Tamami Fukushi / 福士 珠美
Researcher / 研究参加者
Professor, Faculty of Human Welfare, Tokyo Online University

Tomoumi Nishimura / 西村 友海
Researcher / 研究参加者
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University
九州大学 大学院法学研究院 准教授

Yuka Koide / 小出 優花
Researcher / 研究参加者
Boston Consulting Group
Data Scientist